I bought a new “The Box Super”. Loaded Firmware as instructed but cannot get it to respond to remote. When switched on I get “The box super” screen followed by language select screen and then can’t go any further. The Remote is working (checked it with camera phone) and I have loaded two versions of software 7.09 and 8.00. I have checked thru forum but can’t find a solution that works. Can anyone help ? Thanks folks. Andy in Dublin
Press ok to select English Installation > press ok choose provider auto scan channels found Exit all the way out menu > 1570 Turn key emu on set default key > press ok Exit to s*y sports & let it update
Thanks noelyf. My problem is that I can't get any further than the language select screen. I press OK but get no response. It appears that the box dosn't recognize the remote even though the remote appears to be working. Any other suggestions. Thank again Andy
Noelyf, Done that but no response. Could it be that the unit will not recognize the update 7.09 or 8.00. Is it possible to go back to factory set and try that and if so how. Andy
Unplug the box from the mains. Open it up(3 screws at the back) & check the connectors "ribbons at the lcd screen" & see if any are loose. push down gently on them & then try the remote & see if it works with the b0x.
Noelyf, Many thanks. I checked the internal connections and got motoring. Did have a problem with “data being updated” but found a solution you gave on another thread. Thanks again Andy