The Canadian Elections and Copyright Reform

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by chthomson, May 31, 2004.

  1. chthomson

    chthomson Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hi Guys
    We in Canada currently have an opportunity to influence how copyright reform is to proceed in Canada thanks to the current Federal election. While listening and making choices on who to vote for, we should consider those who are running their position on Copyright reform in Canada. Some questions we could ask are found here Starting today I will be questioning those in my riding how they view copyright reform. My vote may make a difference how the Government of Canada changes Copyright Law.
    Think about it
    Last edited: May 31, 2004
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Well well well .... i wasnt planning to vote this year (or ever for that matter) but this is interesting... thx for the heads up! :)
  3. chthomson

    chthomson Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    It is a collective issue, if Canadians push our soon to be elected representatives on the subject of Copyright reform we may avoid the USA problems of DMCA. See for more information. It is more than just legal p2p. It is the rights of consumers and access to copyrighted material ( ) The recent report by the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage shows that our elected representatives have a limited understanding of all the issues ( and
    If we want change we need to be vocal about it - otherwise unwanted change will be forced upon us.
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I wasnt planning on voting (ever) so i didnt really pay attn but has any of the parties taken a clear stand on the internet/technology copyright issue? I wouldnt think so but i woudlnt mind being surprised in this case.
  5. chthomson

    chthomson Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Currently Copyright reform is not a "issue" in this election. It should be!! As long as Canadians keep quiet we are heading towards a USA style of copyright laws. If we raise our collective voice, ask the candidates the questions and make it an issue, we have a chance to redirect the ship of copyright reform.
    Winds of change are blowing. The electral mood is not to elect another majority government. The time to be heard is now!
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Figured as much... damn politicians. ... sigh.
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    What, Not vote!! are you crazy man.

    I have voted evertime possible eligible, I also vote for Mayor ridings. I helped Miller get into Toronto.

    I agree with you chthomson, on the making it an issue. I don't know how all the parties stand now, but it should be brought up.
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    LOL I dont believe in the system :p A bunch of richass-politicians interested in getting re-elected next year doesnt strike me as something i would want to have running the country/city/province ... sure i may be a bit cynical but meh -- someone has to be cynical for the rest of us :p

    As soon as I see a politician come to my school and talk to students about shit thats relevent to me then ill consider voting. If they dont give have the time to or dont care to address issues I consider relevent then i dont have the time nor care to vote for them. Damn.... i am angry cynical old geezer :p
  9. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Well there are very imporant student issues on funding to help lower our tutions. Also some of the plans for funding grants are also relavent.
    But unless they come and hit you in the face, I guess they will not change you. What about free food or Beer, we should tell elections Canada to give out free food and or beer to encourage the Preator generation to vote. Wait thats my generation too, I want free stuff.
  10. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    LOL its not that bad its just that you hear all these politicians saying "we care about our constituents" and "we listen to them" etc -- DO THEY??? If i were to a write a letter to the PM i dont think he would even get a chance to read it let alone read it and respond.

    It's not so much the student issues or free stuff or anything like that but what pisses me off is all the ridiculously STUPID policies governments and organized establishments (i.e., my university) has. Same with the court system. Ugh beareucratic bullshit... all of it :p
  11. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Well if you wrote a letter now, He would read it for sure. Not too many people like old Martin anymore. He would be pleased that he still has atleast one friend left.

    I do know what you mean, I was involed in Polotics at Waterloo and now at UofT. Some people you just want to smack. Talk, and want to be seen, but don't want to do anything. Truely frustrating. But I would still say don't give up and selecting the our leaders is important.

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