Uhhh I just bought the 007 disk and a mem card for a total of 20 bux at a flea market. So,I guess 20 bucks (canadian) and whatever it costs for a 1.5 inch piece of wire. That's what it cost me. Oh yeah,I just did the 007 exploit to flash the onboard tsop.....using the twist method for the sharp tsop.
new xbox = 150 200GB hard drive = 120 Mod chip = 60 soldering those small f#$%ing holes,,,,,,,,,,,,,priceless
About 630 bucks total. $330 for a brand new Xbox v1.6 with X3 CE chip and X3CP with XLCD. $270 for a 400GB HDD. About $20 for the control port LEDs and $10 for the side panel fan. But I got the dough
If you do it yourself: Xecuter 2.6CE = $32 Refurb Xbox = $150 after taxes 300 GB hard drive on sale now at outpost.com = $119 free shipping So the total is about $301 that is assuming you have all of the supplies you will need
Xbox=150 160GB HDD=100 Mod Chip=60 M-soft Crystal Case=65 Red Jewel Ring=30 Red Ports=25 Samsung Dvd Upgrade=60 Red Eject Board= 20 Total= $510.00
1. xbox => $90 used 2. Xecuter 3 CE = > $65.97 including shipping (3 days) 3. 160 gig Hard Drive => $29.00 (wait until bestbuy offers rebate during holidays) 4. .5 hour of soldering (@$50/hour of my professional fee) => $25 Total: $209.97 NOW THAT'S CHEAP! NO NEED FOR ALL THIS FANCY DANCY JUNK, JUST AS LONG AS YOU CAN PLAY BACKUPS THAT'S ALL RIGHT? cheers
I agree) No need for all the fancy stuff to play backups....The jewel rings and nik nak stuff is all show!! it all depends on how far you want to go with your mod. Getting your modchip and bios up and running is the most important thing, if you feel like getting froggy with it later and have the bank for it then the decision is yours friend!! Cheers