When I try to stick a DVD-R in a NEC DVD-ROM ND-3520A it kept coming up this error "The Disc Is Incompatible With The Current Writing" any suggestions
What brand of DVD-R is this? Have you tried any other brands? Is your drive's firmware up to date? This sounds like a bad blank that the drive can't recognize. I've never heard of that error before.
well i know about the Memosux thing but that's what my friend have, but he didn't have any trouble with the Memosux DVD-R before unless the Memosux change the codes or sumthing like that...& i was thinking about updating the firmware, but my friend doesn't have internet so i can't figure anything out at the time....
That is one of the problems with Memorex, They buy from various manufacturers and label them. You don't know what you may get. Memorex with a CMC-MAG manufacturer ID are notorious around here. Try another brand. I recommend Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim. In this case anything besides a Memorex may be an improvement. Take a look at the DVD media forum... http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/47 ...and see what folks are saying.
ok....... here's the rule that everyone should go by: Buy media that is [bold]made in Japan[/bold]. Look at the lable and make sure it says MIJ! These cost the same amount as the ones that Suck but you get better quality and they will last longer if stored properly! Verbatim is the only exception to the MIJ rule! they are made in Taiwan/Singapore and these at top notch disks! Verbatim is the only Taiwan disks I will buy! here is a media guide for you: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm the only thing I disagree with this is the TDK listing. They are crap! take this guide and understand that it's only a measuring tool and it does have mistakes.... but it also is a very good indication of what is out there and what is good and not good to use! Stick with the MIJ rule and you can't go wrong!