I have a dvd data disk that has some infected files on it. I just wanna delete those files but it keeps givin me a prompt about read only. I went to properties to try and change it but it want let me do that either. I tried to rename it so I wouldn't accidently open it, I can't do that either. This is war.... any soliders out there.
is it a dvdr disk or dvdrw disk because if dvdr disk than can't remove file(s) as can only do that on rw disks.
It is a dvdr, so that means I have to copy all those files to a hard drive folder and then copy them to another dvd or cd. I am not willing to have a infected disc hanging around. It's a coaster now. Is their a anti virus that could go in the disc and elimnate the virus. Not willing to give up yet.
if you can't delete info off a dvdr disk than how is an anti-virus program going to clean/delete the infection. it can't!!