hi where's the best place to buy these cards, i am thinking of getting my money back from klickstore for a couple of cards i ordered last month but have just received email from them saying no stock after contacting them a number of times so now looking to buy elsewhere with a quick turnaround any help or advice would be gratefully received
have looked at a couple of sites mp3players.co.uk and gizmotools.co.uk but has anyone had any experience with these guys thanks
Ah didn't realize the 2nd post was yours. Well I'm not too familiar with UK stores. If you do not mind the wait you can order from DX. http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10919 Not sure how long it takes to the UK but to the USA for me it takes roughly 10 - 12 days. ~Edit~ Ah great. Looks like DX is out of stock.