Hey Guys I have been for the GC Flasher as the manual indicates for DAYS! It sens all links are broke to this program. Could you be so nice to tell me were I can find this damn program (Viper Flasher 1.0 or Higher) or what is being used in its place (no DOS prefered). I even logged on to #xbins, least I download a few updates for my xbox. Thanks guys
Haaaaaaaaa Found it!! Thanks http://modthatcube.pxn-os.com/main.htm You guys have no idea how hard it is to get your hands on this program now days. WOOT got the link off AfterDawn, not related post but I got lucky!! Thanks guys
Flashed.. I had backed up a few games of mine just to make it could read the (TDK) When you have kids you relaly need the ability to backup games, they are just to xpensive. But Soon AS I flashed, I compared, then.. BOOM no problems playing any of my backups. I did need have to switch to 60hz on the TV. Did get a few disc errors while typing this post, kids just playing right now, might have to adjust the laser? or Diff media? *sigh*
if you get disc read errors, try adjusting the pot, mod that cube and afterdawn have instructions on how to do it