hi all, i just started high school this september and so far, i have only had good things happen to me, all my teachers like me, i get away when i don't do my homework, and stuff like that. so what i wanna know from y'all is what was high school like for u guys and the goods and bads that happened during these four years.
High school was tough, but good for me, as was college. I got an education, because the teachers in high school did not let us get away without doing our homework. If we didn't get our homework done, we spent an extra hour or so at school, after the school day was done. Way back when, whether the teacher liked you or not, was not germane to a person getting an education.
what decade was this in? seems like quite a while ago? were there like any devastating things happening? like in my high school, it's a school full of like "in" people, u need to have the fasion, and stuff like that , and someone from my school a few years ago, when i was still in middle school, someone commited suicide in my school, but i don't know for what
I graduated from high school in 1967. To find out what was devastating at the time, read your history book. I would expect that the final chapter is no longer World War II like it was when I was in high school.
i missed high school during most of my high school years i got couple of cuts here and there, during the last semester of high school i caught this disease or trend called senioritis i started cutting mad classes, and kind of really regret it. cuz now i missed it, i should have been there to enjoy every moments of high school i missed my old friends who are now spreading all over america. tips: enjoy it while u can cuz four years goes by fast.
i know, it's been four months already, time goes by so fast in high school, any of y'all got other experiences or advice to give me in high school? i also need tips on how to ask the girl i like out, i really need help on this one, cause i'm pretty shy.lol
Hi David! The decade doesn't matter (I am an old fart like grandpa...no offense, gramps!); there have been the "in" people since man started walking upright and there will be until the sun burns out...and not just hight school, but college and probably every job you'll ever get unless you're self employed. Homework was inescapable for me in high school...I went to a catholic boarding school. After dinner, we all had to do our homework in one big room proctored by the SS. Wouldn't trade those years for anything though! We had a hell of a time. Good luck in HS David!
david try to get involve in like sport or club i'm sure u're becoming kind of popular of well known through it. if u really like this girl tell her about it, like be her friend first and slowly slowly u know what's next. cuz when i was in middle school i love this girl(first love) and we went to the same high school, but then i moved up north sadly i'll never have the chance again to ask her out.
David, World War II was before my time, but it is obvious that you are uneducated, if you think there was nothing devastating about WWII. Try reading a little. I am sure that they still teach history in schools.
well grandpa he just said he's just four months into high school, and i think he's taking world civ they don't get to WWII until around feb or mar. but i think he watched movies like band of brothers or saving private ryan.
ya i know, chicks love sporty guys, i can't go on the football team, not a football guy, but i play AAA baseball, so i should be able to get on the baseball team. also, see the thing, when i talk with this girl, i get so nervous, i suttar so much and i can feel my face getting red, but all other girls i can talk to with just like i talk with close friends homework, i do have a lot of hw, but not to be disrespective to the teachers, but there so dumb, they don't know if u cheated on a test when u have the exact paper as someone else rite beside you, and get this, a friend of mine copied a french hw sheet, i got perfect, and she got 95%, now this teacher has problems, i'm sure i'm not the only one that had screwed up teachers during these four years, c'mon guys, i really wanna know what high school was like, how difficult, you know, it's been four months, and things are going good, but i know there will be bumps alont the way and i wanna know stuff like that. great talking with you all
Not all the girls go for the jocks ... though the airheads are interested in nothing else, I suppose. In fact, lots of girls can't stand the jocks. Sound like you're too preoccupied with the "in" people you spoke of earlier. That's often important to guys your age and the pity is, it's often a really shallow bunch. Find the people you like the most rather than the people who are "in"...find the people you most like and you'll find the type of girls you most like too. @grandpaBW: it's strange, isn't it, that things which were of such enormous consequence when we were kids are now relative unknowns; an ancient history to be studied in high school civ. Such is life.
are you serious? i thought all girls love jocks, i guess i'm wrong, lol, so what do they like? nerdy kids?
lol nerdy kids, u don't ned to be a jock or nerd just be urself i'm sure that someone will find it as an atraction. Just be realistic and practical remember this is no movie, or hollywood. TIPs: be yourself. nothing beats it.
yeah, being yourself is always the best to get girls, lol. wait a minute, this thread isn't suppose to be about getting girls, it's about all you people's high school experiences, so shoot!
Well, there are several chapters and several changes that I went through when I went to high school. For the first 2 years, I hated it so much, I didn't even care really if I failed or not. I was pretty much to myself and didn't have any interest in anything there; I just went and came home. At one point, it got so bad for me that I just stopped going for about a month and a half, but had to go back or else I would have had to go to court. I started going pretty much everyday after that, but still ditched some classes in 10th because I hated the teachers. I felt that they couldn't teach me much, which turned out to be true, on my part. I was pretty fed up with it, but it caught up with me. But, I did have some good times there; in ninth grade I didn't really hang out with anyone until someone introduced me to their friends (although, their 'friends' didn't really like them in return), and I just hanged out with them at lunch, but didn't really do much else. Then, I just got tired of going and was absent for a whole bunch of classes, but, I could still pass everyone up when it came to taking a test (which, believe me, shouldn't be as easy as that). I just brought some tennis balls during lunch and we would throw them around. They seemed to like me better after I'd been missing for so long, even some people who hated me thought so. Even though I still didn't care at the time, I still showed up. After starting 11th, I decided that I'm going to keep up my grades so that I didn't have to do it later on, but I liked the fact that I was applying myself more. I was mainly interested in computers at school, so I took Tech-Support Services as an elective; that's where you go around the school and try to fix other people's problems. You have no idea how many Service calls we got for "broken printer", when the real problem was not having any paper in the trays. I didn't get into any real events until I hit 12th grade, where I started to really care about graduating, but it took almost the whole year to realize why I had been doing this for so long. I had a blast; I got through my Senior Exhibition, I went to the Prom (with a really cool girl that's a huge time gamer!), I got to go to Grad Night, and had a great time doing it, although I had to make up a course at Extended day and Night school, which kept me at school from 2:30 to about 5:30, then I had to take the bus to get to my night class to go from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. I'm really proud I was able to do that, but not so much as to why. Which is where I have some advice for you: -Keep your grades up: This means to do your homework, pay attention in class, go to school on time, and make sure the teacher teaches you something. I can't believe how bad of an education I got, it's a damn shame that I didn't learn to speak fluently in a second language. -Watch out for the kinds of kids you hang out with: Be tactful about what kinds of friends you hang out with. If they are more carrer-goaled, the better. Don't hang out with the kind of kids that want to drop out, or do drugs, I hung around some of those people, and luckily I was smart enough at the time to not fall for any kind of peer-pressure that could have gotten me in real trouble. -Having easy teachers is a BAD thing: The worst kind of teacher to have is the kind that doesn't care what you do; she/he is just waiting to flunk you and get rid of you altogether, trust me. All the crazy teachers that seemed to have it in for you were actually the real teachers, and they get no recognition for it. I'd go crazy too if I had to deal with a bunch of ungrateful bastards that didn't care about school, then get one of the smallest paychecks any person with a college degree can get. -Do things outside of the class: One of the most important things you can do to achieve is to read ahead. Even if you don't do that, just read in general. If you get good enough at it, you can start teaching yourself how to talk openly in front of a crowd, or the person you want to be with the most. -Be very judgemental: What I mean is, try not to take every punch thrown at you, especially if it's coming from home. I had to put up with a lot of crap from my mom, and she didn't know how hard I was working to make her happy. I wasn't physically abused, that's not what I'm saying, just don't bother with listening to someone who tries to put you down to make their ignorant-ass feel better. Don't make any big decisions unless you're sure you're able to go through with it. Also, try to not get yourself cornered into a confrontation, try to avoid fights in general. And finally: -Gain perspective: Time in school is short (but for me, it was one of the most largest herdles I had to go through). Try to open up to new things while you're young; Go to various events, like a museum, a school trip, maybe learn an instrument, you know, things that will make what little time you have of your freedom count. Because right after that endeavor, you gotta go right to college! Hehehe! And don't give me that "I'm not goin' to college" crap! There is no way you're gonna be able to get a good job nowadays without a higher education. If you do go to college, try going to somewhere that has a major you're interested in, or just start out in a Community college if you're unsure. I just wish I could have started early and saved up some money to start, now I'm gonna have to start now and use Financial Aid. That's about it! Just follow some of that to your own liking, but seriously focus on getting scholarships and stuff so you can have a head start, cuz unit prices in this country are gonna go sky-high by the time you get there. Peace!
Rikoshay, as a social worker, I've got to tell you that I couldn't possibly be more impressed; if everybody would take the time to give that kind of thought & effort into helping out just one person, the world would be a hell of a better place. I'm impressed. For the last twenty years, I've been a career counselor for the dept of labor and industry (I do career counseling, job market statistics research and help secure the government funds to send people to school). It used to be that I would see countless kids fresh out of high school without the skills to do anything other than flip hamburgers and sadly, I still see countless numbers of them; slowly but surely though, I now see large numbers of kids fresh out of college who don't have the skills to do anything but flip hamburgers! Education is extremely important i getting decent employment that you enjoy and with which you can make a good living...whether or not that education is college depends on the individual & his/her aspirations and interests. I'm not putting college down at all...I went as did most of my friends and I'm certainly all the better for it and would never have my current job or my other job as a music teacher if I hadn't had a college education. I've seen way too many go to college because it's what Mom and Dad wanted when, given my client's personality, interests and so on, his future would have much better served with a different sort of education...but education all the same. The two most "in demand" occupations in the U.S. are for pharmacists (6-8 years of college) and certified auto mechanics which will take 2-3 years of good technical training...many of whom will then specialize with either a certain facet of mechanics and sometimes within a certain make of car...and they can make good bucks. I guess my point is that education & skills are important but there are different ways to achieve it. The important thing is to have a plan and pursue it; gong blindly through an educational system still amounts to nothing.
Thank you Rickoshay for all the tips to do well in high school. well, let me tell u stuff, i'm from canada, and here, College isn't what most people want to go to, everyone wants to end up in an University, i guess Canadian students have higher expectations, anyway, thanks for the advice, and Rickoshay, i've always wanted to know, what kind of stuff goes on during the Prom?
david no offense or what but u don't have any idea what's different between college and university, in US there are tons of good college such the ivy league Dartmouth college in New hampshire, there's also first tier college such as cooper union, amherst, and also do u know harvard was known as harvard college, from my experience college are generally smaller than university but in term of quality of education they're about the same. We're not including community college that's whole different class. anyway while in high try to take the hardest class because trust the gpa of those are more heavily weighted(well atlease in my school) normal class A=4.0, AP class A=4.4, and also it looks freakin good on ur college resume or application. Also try to maintain good relationship with ur counselor and teachers because you gonna ned their recommendations for bunch of those acticty such as jobs(sometimes) and college.