I read the excellent guide on DVD ripping using DVD Decrypter. The quote at the top of the page made me laugh: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/small_dvd_2_dvdr_page_2.cfm "This piece of software is probably the greatest technological achievement United Kingdom has ever given to this world". Come on... Ever heard of a man called Charles Babbage? He was British and invented a primitive computer some 170 years ago! Today, he's known as the 'Father of Computing'. The British also invented the Television and Telephone! How can a piece of DVD ripping software be the "greatest technological achievement United Kingdom has ever given to this world"? Next you'll be telling me the Americans put a man on the moon!
Using edit is cheating. I am a hint and peak tpyist myself. I relly shoulf proofread my pots......lol I have some moon rocks for sale. cheap! Ok, maybe DVD Shrink is the second or third greatest..
no the canadians helped put man on the moon when gov't shut down the arrow programme in the mid to late 50's. the arrow was faster than any aircraft in its time & might be still today
bloody gov't bought bomarck missiles that needed nuke warheads but canadian policy was no nuke weapons on canadian soil but meantime torched & scrapped arrow so now have to buy from usa as they were pissed that we built a faster aircraft than them
If people were not so lazy and uninformed about the crap that "our" government pulls they would be amazed. They would also understand you we are hated by so many. I am ashamed at some of the things done in my name.
whereas canadians can almost go any where in europe & alot of other countries & they are treated with respect whereas an american has to watch it where he/she goes to
As well as Scotsmen inventing the TV & the Phone it was also the Scottish that invented the vacuum cleaner, RADAR, antiseptic, anaesthetics, ATM, the thermos flask ;-) and also Tar (which the guy who made it came from the town i stay in,Ayr) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Scottish_inventors Bit off topic but sorry just had to post it
Well lets not forget the Irish They did invent the toilet seat. OK so a englishman thought about putting a hole in in it a few years later............
Brunel truly was a top man. As was James Clark Maxwell (A Scot!). Just ask Ed Witten, or Stephen Hawking. Fleming. Tommy Flanders. Not Neds' brother Alan Turing Newton Marconi (was Italian only by birth. He was really an English gentleman in his time)
Call me crazy, but I thought this post was going to be about Bass. (World's oldest registered trademark - 1777, and arguably still one of the best beers anywhere!)