Hi I only got into xbox modding a month ago and since then been doing hours of reading. I just made a new xbox HD from scratch using xboxhdm 1.9 for my softmodded xbox. I have opened the xbox up, removed the HD tray and then the HD from the tray. Removed the IDE cable. But here comes the problem. I think the power cable (molex) for the HD is stuck. I have been pulling at it all day and it just won't come out. Is there a special way to pull it out or something? I have been searching and reading all over google and every tutorial just says "pull out the HD power cable". Please any help would be appreciated.
Okay got it out by grabbing the wires and moving them about while pullling. Seems Im getting an error message 06 anyway so was not even close. Oh well
use the HDM to lock the drive with the eeprom from the original hard drive and you should be good to go
Exactly what I did but it did not work, error code 06 came up. Hard drive was in correct jumper when placed in xbox (cable select). Xboxhdm said the hard drive locked. It should of worked. I read for ages through the forums and found that someone said use the eeprom from the UDATA file as evox does not give you a valid one. Is this what you did? Any suggestions would be helpful. Prepared to do anything you think might help.