Hey I herad that you have to blow into the microphone or talk but I din't have a mic is there another way to get pass that part. Is there a action replay code for you to get pass this part or can you guys make one.
You see that little hole right there on the top front of your DS that is labled "Mic"? THAT'S YOUR BUILT IN MICROPHONE. Blow there.
It is not a real DS it is a emulator and how about I send you my folder that contains my rom in it and you get throungh that part for me.
Go buy a DS. Emulators are not 100% If you're having a hard time getting through this part, you will never get through a puzzle that occurs later in the game. IMHO, give up. You won't be able to finish it.
Then I take back what I said. As far as how to get by that part when running an emulator, YouTube seems to think if you plug a mic into your PC before you start the emulator it will work and get the job done. If you don't have a mic, you ought to be able to get one for practically nothing- it doesn't ave to be good quality. Google on it some.
snorlax22, That will get him over that small hurdle. What about the "other" one? Moot point if you haven't finished LoZH.
I haven't finished yet so I don't know this dreadful scary sounding obstacle of which you type, but I think I should be afraid. I would be interested to know how the emulator plans on handling the whole transfer of the seal thing, if that is what you are talking about. Could be interesting.
Bingo. You hit it. You've apparently made it past that point. I don't see how an emulator will resolve this.