Alright, with a good arsenal all these things can be cracked right Basically all I need is DVD Decrypter right? Is it just "smarter" and goes straight to ripping the video image or does it actually need to decrypt a code. If so, how long does this take?
welp after 2 minutes of reading I the new arsenal is DVDFab AnyDVD and DVD Decrypter alright, that makes 3 minutes so i can press the reply button, yay... edit: I'M A JUNIOR MEMBER NOW!! YES! FINALLY! no more rate limiting!
Hi, Congrats on your promotion but this is the dvd2one forum. Perhaps this should have been posted here: Also before a mod sees this post I would remove that link as against the forum rules but I will let you cross that road. Will request this be moved to the above forum.
1: i didn't post that link 2: i noticed there was a general dvd forum after i posted, but then i saw the ABUNDANCE of dvd decrypter and NON dvd2one threads in this forum, so i looked the other way and maybe the mods will too
Hi, Referring to the link in your signature as most that have them are AD forum links or tutorials made by members here on AD..not actual sites.
rdxtreme, read the forum rules above about posting & sigs, so edit your sig before i do & leave unpleasantries in it's place!! moved
uhhh i already removed the link.. just too the http:// out and its no longer a link, its cool being 7 hours late i'll still clap
rdxtreme this is i am sure what ddp is talking about..that in ye sig.. i would remove it if i was were warned by ddp...