Did anyone successfully made a backup copy for Pink Panther? My decrypter kept giving me this I/O Error, so did DvdFab. What the hell? I was using AnyDVD with it! Please advise!
You need to update your ANYDVD. You Might want to learn how to use the search function in the Forum. PP has been addressed in many Threads.
If you are using DVDFab Decrypter then do not use AnyDVD with it, or visa versa. Use one or the other, they conflict. If you are getting an I/O error with the latest DVDFab Decrypter make sure your disk is not scratched/smudged or damaged. Clean it and if this does not work then take it back and get another original. And as stated update your AnyDVD.
Thanks for the info. I was actually using AnyDVD 5.9.8 with DVD Decrypter, and somehow it didn't work. I guess updating AnyDVD will or may solve the problem. I did get version, hope it will solve the problem. Please advise!!