My 1.6b Xbox has a spiderchip 1.1 installed, but all I get is a constant red led AND NO PICTURE OR SOUND - AS IF THE XBOX ISN'T EVEN TURNED ON when I turn it on with the chip enabled. With the chip disabled, my Xbox works normally. Does anybody know what I did, or what I can do to resolve this?
O kaayyyy but u didnt mentio if the mod works or not bc some modchips have that feature weer they make ur led light up red or orange when they are workign. more info
Dumb question, but did you remember to Flash your Chip? Because of things like the DMCA of 2k. It's ileagle for anyone to sell a Modchip with the Software (i.e. Firmware), already installed. upshot you need to locate an approriate Frimware Image and Flash it to the Modchip. How do you do this?!? Ummm I'D recomend you RTFM that came with your Chip. (or the Manufactures Website), for that info...
There was no FM to R, and no, the chip is not functioning. Although I appreciate smart-alecky sarcasm, there's no reason to be a jerk to some dude who's looking for a little help.
Hey spaz, cool your jets ! do you have any idea how many noobs show up and ask questions ? And have the mentality of a 12 year old ? Alota times they don't think of the basics , so thats where we gota start. Its not exactly smart to flip crap to a guy who might have the answer to your question.
Yeah... I see your point. Anyway, I just ordered a spider programmer, so hopefully this will take care of the problem. I read somewhere that a red led indicates an incompatible bios, so I'm hoping a reflash will make it work.