Hey all - I'm having the same problems as everyone else with the Build Mode. I've been reading through all the posts and I've tried everything you guys have suggested. Whenever I go to a download link - I just get redirected to another useless page. Can somebody/anybody send me a link that will just download the latest, working, fixed .exe for The Sims 2. I'm kinda new to downloading + cracking so any help you can give me, I will be extremely gratefull. Stuff that might help: 1) I burned The sims 2 using CloneCD, v? 2) I've tried several cracks/websites - no luck 3) It's for my sisters birthday on the 22nd of October. Please help me anyone. My E-mail address is: noemailsallowed@afterdawn.com Thankyou anyone that can help.
Take a look at the forum rules: -No posting email addies. -No discussion of cracks or linking to pirated material. This is your first and only warning.