Grrrr Im having trouble backing up the movie The Squid and the Whale. Its an awful Sony disc and my DVDShrink or DVDDecrypter are not touching it at all!! Im very frustrated!! Any suggestions guys?? Zach54
This is the combo I use and all are FREEEEEEEEEEE 1. DVDFab decrypter(Free) to rip the movie to the HDD 2. VOBblanker(Free) (Not always needed) to clean and fix the movie here is a guide for VobBlanker 3. DVD shrink(free) to make it fit on a SL(4.7G) disk 4.Burn with whatever program u want (free way, ImgBurn or dvd decrypter) Perfect 100% backup of any Movie Guaranteed, OF COURSE with [bold]QUALITY MEDIA[/bold]
you can also use RipIt4Me..... it's free and does a great job..... download the programs and follow the guide:, many people enjoy this free program and it does a great job!
I would go with Ripit4me since you have 2 out of the three programs it needs. All you need to do is download [bold]FIXVTS[/bold] and you should be set.
@Berryone........I use RipIt4Me because it uses great programs and gets great results...... and they are all freeeeeeeeeeeee!
Thanks guys for all the help.I was able to use 300bowler's suggestion and finally managed to get the movie backed up. MUCH appreciated!!!!!!! Excellent software. Zach54