The whole point of the safety valve...

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by SypherTek, Jan 11, 2006.

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  1. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    ive noticed that there are an awful lot of incredibly fast thread closures lately.... and i have no doubt that this thread wont last very long either

    so what exactly is the point of the safety valve if you cant talk about anything that you want and discuss it... whether it concerns how somebody died or how much pot someone smokes... this is the only place on the forum that supposedly allows this...

    not that i wish to be offensive but

    whats goin on trigger happy mods?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2006
  2. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Your question was directed at the Mods but I decided to add my $0.02. Since you seem to be an advocate of "free" speech, you ought not to mind my 'interference'. First off, within any community there has to be rules by which persons are governed in order to avoid anarchy. If you believe that anything in life is "truly free", which in this case refers to free speech, then I do believe that you're naive. In all of civilization as we know it, several empires have succumbed to their own undoing because of lawlessness and the desires of individuals superceding that of their fellowman. Don't get me wrong I'm not an advocate of totalitarianism but without enforced rules( the operative word being enforced) there would be mayhem and destruction of any community and in this case I mean Afterdawn. Now any system which is governed by humans cannot be infallible and so there might be instances in which overzealousness on the part of individual/s entrusted with governing such a community/group result in indiscretion & mistakes but this by no means constitutes the rule and is certainly not the case here at AD. You have been critical of the Mods but have you for once put yourself in their 'virtual shoes' and take a more panoramic look at this community lately. You would be amazed at the existence of threads which dare I say, are pointless. I said 'existence' instead of 'upsurge' since my 'sojourn' here does not avail me with the knowledge to make an informed and realistic assessment of this problem. So even though a post may not be offensive it may be perceived as useless by the Mods et al, and was obviously posted with very little regard for the AD community.(Please note that I have exercised restraint in casting aspersions about the thought process of any person who has created such a thread). When was the last time you reported an offensive post or PM someone and suggested that they alter their post. It is this kind of apathy & subversive behaviour that will lead to the demise of this community. There's an old proverb which goes like this......"There's none so blind as those who will not see". I'm not saying that you should get back on your soap box and laud the Mods with praise. But why post something which is sardonic & deconstructive(not to be confused with destructive). Someone has to perform the unenviable & undesirable task of procuring the longitivity of this community. Their decision/s will invariably be occasionally unpopular but nonetheless necessary. Or else, guess what?, you wouldn't have the opportunity to make a post such as this:

    not that i wish to be offensive but
    whats goin on trigger happy mods?[/bold]
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  3. Xsilver

    Xsilver Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    This topic was aproached in an earlier thread. There have been around 20 closed thread so far in safety valve this year (11 days) And after a little check that is more than what was closed in the previous 2 months (19 from the whole of november and december)

    I know it gets on the mods tits when people

    A) Talk Crap
    B) Repeat threads
    C) Talk about controversial things

    I understand some subjects that are racist, upsetting, demeaning or controversial go to far and have to be closed. But there are subjects that some people are not interested in, but it dont mean everyone else is not.

    "How JFK/Bruce Lee Died" threads both have had wild theories thrown around over the years and could make interesting reading. The comment "go to the library and look it up" a little harsh. In that case when someone posts "My computer wont boot" I should say "Take it to a computer shop and stop asking us" Easy yes but sort of defeats the point of the interesting discussions they have on hear.

    Another example of a topic "Whats your favourite sig" I am not really interested and really it is pointless. But no more pointless than the others that have been closed.

    I thought thats what safety valve was about that you could talk about anything and everything.
  4. ashroy01

    ashroy01 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Let's look at the forum description:

  5. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    If you guys would take a closer look at the threads that have been closed recently you can see why...

    1. People multiposting.
    2. Things that arent really "kid-friendly", ie. smoking weed, killing people, etc.
    3. Topics that are already in the safety valve, but not searched for before starting a new thread. ie. Favorite sig, amount of posts, how many posts it takes to become a certain rank, etc.
    4. Straight up POINTLESS THREADS like this one.


    Well said. The mods are doing their jobs, and IMO, doing it well. Many pointless threads have been closed, and with good reason. I will agree that the JFK and bruce lee threads could have been interesting but no one was really throwing interesting posts in there...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  6. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    And to think that I had to pay a membership fee to be on here at aD!!!

    Oh wait, I forgot, it's free isn't it?!?!?!? <G>

    Rules and laws are determined by the administration and the designated individuals it grants limited powers to, such as closing threads and deactivating accounts.

    It’s not a free world...
    [bold]It’s an Afterdawn world that’s FREE! :)[/bold]
  7. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    the whole point of the safety valve is to talk about anything whether its controversial or not.i didnt even get a chance to add me theories to the JFK thread as it was already closed when i saw it.i dont agree thats all topics are kid friendly like the one about pot which i started but then again ive seen kids as young as 4 smoking pot heavily on a daily basis.the maqin points of the safety valve is to tell the world how you feel or get some feedback and opinions on things you agree or disagree with.i think the mods are being too trigger happy on some of these threads.freedom of speech is a myth it exist but there are no laws to enforce it.if you know what slandering is then you will know there is no freedom of speech.
  8. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i made up a thread so this problem would not happen..
    i am sure ye seen it..
    all i ask keep ye is keep ye posts civil.................

    This Thead Is To post Any Thing Ye Want, Any Subject matter,Please Read My First Post
  9. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Brings to mind "Lord of the Flies".
  10. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    DVDBack23 thank you for the compliment and ScubaBud that was not only concise but quite precise.

    @Xsilver et al
    I know it gets on the mods tits when people........
    C) Talk about controversial things[/bold]

    I know that there have been a plethora of controversial topics which have been discussed here and I'd be more than happy to provide you with evidence but in the interest of not being superfluous I'll omit identifying them at this time.

    "How JFK/Bruce Lee Died" threads both have had wild theories thrown around over the years and could make interesting reading. The comment "go to the library and look it up" a little harsh. In that case when someone posts "My computer wont boot" I should say "Take it to a computer shop and stop asking us" Easy yes but sort of defeats the point of the interesting discussions they have on hear.[/bold]

    When you put it like that, then I have to agree and even though I may not embrace your point of view that is a pretty good point that you have made. Having said that though if you know that 2 similar previous posts have drawn the ire of the Mods then why make the post and [bold]phrase it in the same way as the first 2[/bold]. That in my opinion is being defiant and provocative more than really being constructively inquisitive. Using your statistics it means that they got it 90% right(ie 18/20). 10% failure rate is commendable even in the Medical fraternity for surgical procedures and medical therapy. The point is if they never had a failure rate then they would either be completely neglecting their job in which case they would let everything go and there would be anarchy OR they would be partially negligent and because of their minimalist approach there would be less cases of threads being closed and so even though they are apparently close to 100% effectiveness, in reality again a significant number of threads would be escaping their radar and so again would lead inevitably to degeneration of this site. If you are familiar with statistics, then you'll understand that any screening test will have an accompanying false positive rate. If this was applied to this scenario then the false positives refer to the threads which are thought to be pointless and closed when infact they are not. Now let me put it in perspective. Do you think that everytime a woman buys a pregnancy test kit from the pharmacy and does her own test at home or even if the same test is done in the doctor's office and it shows a positive result, that means that she is in fact pregnant?. The answer is no, BUT it is sensitive and so will be correct maybe between 95-100% of the time depending on when its done. So about 1-5% of the time people are false positive, ie their test is positive but they are not pregnant and this is acceptable to the FDA and the Medical Fraternity at large. So an approximately 10% false positive by the Mods is certainly nothing to frown at. In fact I dare say that it's commendable.

    I understand some subjects that are racist, upsetting, demeaning or controversial go to far and have to be closed. But there are subjects that some people are not interested in, but it dont mean everyone else is not.[/bold]

    Where do I begin. Again we have to be governed by past occurrences and statistics. You will admit that some people have a pattern of questionable posts and so they will be more highly censured. I agree that there are topics which though edifying are a faux pas and for this reason when they are raised they are closed abruptly and appropriately so. I could engage in a healthy discussion about slavery, apartheid, the holocaust, the genocide in Darfur, 911, etc without saying one inflammatory word to evoke the wrath of anyone but how many people will exercise that restraint and not be moved by their emotions to speak from their heart. These are highly charged topics which represent so much more than a thread title and so people can't be frivolous with these issues.
    It's an imperfect world and there is no utopia, but in order to preserve the little neck of the woods that we consider paradise, tough decisions have to be made and people have to be aware that the Safety Valve, despite the disclaimer attached to it, is by no means a cauldron for thoughtless refuse.

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i have to start work now but for now i'll say this, this may be the safety valve but there are indeed far too many pointless posts in here.

    that's why some of them have been closed. there have to be a few rules or the whole place turns into a mess for everyone. some posters place far too much importance on the safety valve, there are a lot of forums here jam-packed with ppl needing help, that's what a lot of us are here for.

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  12. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    correct, to a certain degree. There still must be limits in place on how far this area can be pushed. The safety valve is in place so you could do exactly what it says, "blow off steam" or say "how much the world sucks". If we got those kinds of threads there would be no problems. Instead we get mindless crap that someone who was way too bored sat and thought up to post. I'm there have been occasions where people come here and start a new topic, then sit there trying to think one up!
    The main thing is, and this one's the real clincher, it's OUR site. that also means OUR rules, which wear put into place by the owners of the place and are enforced by us mods. We are human (well most of them), we do have our own ideas and opinions. Do you even realize how hard it is to govern something and try to remain totally neutral? It aint easy i assure you. I've seen things that other mods let go that i closed as soon as i saw them, and the opposite of that has also occured. We try to communicate as best we can and work together on everything, sometimes we succeed, sometimes we dont. I might let something go that nearly makes old creaky crap his pants so he closes it. I will not get offended or re-open the thread. We as mods are a collective. when WE determine something needs closed, thats it, end of story. We dont have the time or patients to run around asking if it's ok with everyone. There's alot of times that i'll announce i'm about to close a thread just so everyone can get their last word in, and i do it only because i feel people have a right to say what they need to say. On the other hand, i dont feel a long winded discussion over a presidential murder 40 years ago is really needed in a tech forum. Most of you weren't even alive anyway.
    Now if you've had a bad day at work and come home to find your wife in bed with the milkman, by all means post it here and let out that steam. I'm sure i'm not the only one who would subscribe to that one. when it rambles on and on and changes to a sig discussion or the price of gas, it's over, time to close it. The bottom line is simple, we cant make everyone happy. There's no way in the world that's ever going to happen so we dont even bother. We do what we think is right for the site and the MAJORITY of the members. If your topic got closed, hey i'm sorry but thats just the way it is. It is nowhere near a case of any of us being "trigger happy".

    edit* - see, i left it open!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  13. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    I, for one, am in complete agreeance with Creaky, far too many members hide themselves in these forums instead of offering assistance in other forums.
    It was several months before I visited this forum and I hardly recognised any names from other forums.
    Have a chat if you wish but try checking out and assisting in other forums.
    Onya Creaky!!!
    BTW, I took quite some time to one finger type an article about piracy in the News Comments Forum, only 2 people have read it in 24hours, yet you find this dribble interesting.
    How many of you have even left this forum?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  14. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    i think we should leave the moderators alone and let them do their jobs...
    in the shadow of what DVDBack23 and JamzBond said, i think the moderators are doing a DAMN fine job at keeping this site in order, i think that they make correct decisions to keep the forums clean and spam free, i enjoy this site very much cause unlike other forums, things are kept in order, there is no crap to sift through to get the info you are looking for and some topics are just in fact pointless and should be kept from the safety forum...

    just adding my 2cents...
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    cheers darth, i ran out of 'steam' to explain anything further. :)

    i also had no intention of closing it, i'm interested in hearing ppl's opinions too.

    i guess part of the problem is some ppl having too much time on their hands (i'm making a generalisation, not aiming that at anyone). I just do not get bored/have time to get bored, i get up for work at 05:30, 2 hours in the car to and from work and a 9hour work day (for most of my years i did 12hour shifts though), then i try to spend a few hours on the forums giving help on as many posts that i stumble across, THEN i start moderating. plus add to that real life things/issues and there's not a whole lot of time left in a day, never mind to be bored :)
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  16. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

  17. Phantom69

    Phantom69 Regular member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    yes i remember that, it plagued my inbox for a couple of months, just like the amd VS intel one is doing now... shame on me for posting to to popular threads...

    andmerr check your pm inbox here...
  18. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    what gives you the right to publicly question a moderating decision??
  19. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hey lethal its quite a conundrum 1st he says he doesnt want to be offensive

    but then he spoils it with

    so which is it are you trying to be or trying not to be,[bold] that is the question[/bold]
  20. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    haha once again, Lethal straight to the point!
    yeah, what he said!
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