If Blu-ray Wins Microsoft Will Support It : http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=15568 Just incase blueray does win the format war (highly doubt there will be a winner tho) your hd-dvd addons will be useless.
I think people that goes both ways. People who buy the stand alone Blu-Ray players could have something useless if HD-DVD wins. Thats why I ain't buying Blu-Ray or HD-DVD until they can figure out a winner. HD-DVD is better though.
We will just have to wait and see. Regular DVD movies look just fine to me (as long as you have good cables like HDMI) I think the porn industry adopted the HD_DVD format, which beleive it or not could really swing the tide since they make and sell more DVD's then most motion picture houses. Personally i will not be buying anything anytime soon. If i want movies in HD i can just bite the bullet and buy them on Xbox Live and watch them from my 360.
Well, Blu-ray has the capacity of nearly 4 HD-DVDs and are even more expensive than them. (I think, so don't be rude if I am wrong) I would rather buy 4 HD-DVDs rather than buying a Blu-ray disk.
Let me correct you a touch. Blu-ray does not have the capacity of 4 hd-dvd's. That is completely off base. Currently, the blu-ray stands at 50 gigs of storage space, while the hd-dvd is at 30 gigs comparativly at dual layered. There is speculation of a triple layered disc from hd-dvd that has 51 gigs of storage. In all honestly I think both medias will be short lived. HVD will defeat them both. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_Versatile_Disc To completely honest, all storage devices that rely on moving parts such as disc or cartirdges is a doomed technology. Which is why an ipod can be so much smaller than a disc player and hold so much more.
Thank you alot for giving me the info and also thanks for correcting me politely cause most of the people speak rude if you are wrong.