Over in the Virus and spyware problems forum I wrote a guide on deleting Myzor that was [bold]very[/bold] much needed for this place! Everyday there would be post, after post, after post on how to remove Myzor. I was sick of copy and pasting the same thing over and over. Obviosuly newbies can't search so a guide was need for us that help out in there. It was stickied for a while which help alot of people. Yesterday I saw that it has be unsticked...I want a reason for why this is. I've asked a few mods but, only one replyed(so far). Already there have been more posts about removing Myzor and there will be [bold]many[/bold] more I'm postitive of that! It was just now getting non-repetitive because some people do look at stickes. And now, it's been thrown down. It was proven to rid Myzor, it hadn't gotten off topic, no one done anything wrong in it...so why was it unsticked?
to have a stickie regarding one particular virus/trojan is a bit crazy imo if people cant be bothered to search,then what can i say normally stickies are for across the board topics but i can see its been re-sticked,much to my amazement !
I have hundreds of canned speeches for the infections, you know how fast walware mutates and spreads, a thread for one infection is not what I was taught in training. I have been to countless malware removal forums, none of them have ever made it a thread per infection, what about next week when the latest variant comes out and its a different removal, you cant make another sticky for that, or the infection after that, people won't know what it is, syptoms will be different, look at Spyaxe, it evloved into several spyware scanner scam's, all of them needed the same fix but the thing is, since the spytoms are different, people do not know what they have! You could've made a guide in the user submitted tutorials, I get new canned speeches every week for the latest infections from the trusty Malware removal university, its always been one thread per person, I was always thought that, but I always need it one thread per person, If I identify more than one infection, I get them to run a ad aware & spybot scan, things can get messy. I dunno why it was stickied.... I no longer post in the Windows-Spyware And Virus forums, I am seeking to try and perfect my ability, it will take a while too...lol, for now I will only HJT help at forums that are low on helpers No offence intended, Niobis. EDIT: Why were you sick of copying and pasting it? thats how you work a HJT log, you anaylse it and add the appropriate removal method.