i have an iPod video and when i tell it to shuffle my songs it also shuffles my music videos...but it doesn't play them as videos it plays them as music so it sumtimes freezes my iPod... just wonderin if there is a way around this
Unforunantely, no, not unless you make a separate playlist for your music and a separate one for your music videos. I agree, that is kind of dumb how you can't listen to your music without your music video music playing.
another question.....can you make a playlist and shuffle only the songs on the playlist??? not shuffle your whole freakin ipod
Yes you can. To do this, go to Settings-->Shuffle-->On. Then, when you click on a song in that playlist, it will shuffle them.
How do you get the radion on the ipod? Do you have to purchase the earphone thing with the remote to get the radio?
DVDdunce9, You can skip you music videos while shuffeling, in iTunes find your music videos the right click on them and click get info, a window will open, on that window click on the options tab and check the box that says "Skip when shuffeling" its towards the bottom! ~Domreis
ooh sweet...but is there a way to do it to a lot of songs at the same time instead of clicking one song- get info- do not shuffle- next- repeat repeat repeat...
No not rely... the best way to do it is get all your music videos right next to each other and click nect check the box, next check the box... ~Domreis