I'm looking to be able to retain the original menu systems, but cut all the crap out of the DVD before that. For instance, the warning label, the "their views aren't our views" screen, the previews. I want to be able to put the DVD in and have it go right to the menu screen. Previously, I've used DVD Shrink, and just put the movie on a disc. I guess it's not the best program to use. I've started using DVD Rebuilder, but it's hard to set up the way I want it, and most of the still screens I cannot see in the preview window and therefore do not know if I want them or not. If I could combine Shrink's ease of laying out the disc with Rebuilder's encoding ablilty, that would be perfect. Is there anything out there like that right now?
Have you looked at DVD Remake? http://www.dimadsoft.com/dvdremake/index.php You can use DVD Shrink in Full Disk mode and just set the compression level to still image for the things you don't want to include. It doesn't remove the title but replaces with an image saving space. It's not elegant but it works. You can even use a custom image of your own if that's your desire.
I prefer vobblanker. You can remove all the junk that you've described as well as the PUOPs that prevent you from skipping to the main menu or whatever else they try to block. After outputting your newly edited video_ts folder you can use Shrink, or for better results DVD rebuilder, to handle the compression aspect.
Hey, try using AnyDVD. It is a decrypter with the ability to eliminate the warnings and previews and jump straight to the menu or the movie itself. It runs in the background and decrypts upon placing the DVD in your machine. Takes about three seconds. Then you can use Shrink, Nero or whatever encoder you want with no problems. It's not free though. You can get a free 21 day trail of it and a discount from afterdawn if you want to purchase it(which you will), once the trail is over. It's worth the money trust me. And you can't go wrong with using the free trail plus it is a full version not a half ass trail. I use it and CloneDVD, which allows you to eliminate a whole lot more, but doesn't decrypt. Give em a try they both have free trails and you won't lose nothing.
Thanks for all the responses, I am checking them all out as I can. I like VobBlanker the best for what I am looking to do so far, but when I pull it up in DVD-Rebuilder, I get a fatal exception 9, which says it cannot read the file. I'll try it again and see if I get it again. Update: I did it again, and got the 'run time error 9' subscript out of range error. I don't know how to fix it. I'll keep hacking at it.