my computer has a virus that pops up messages like u have all these different kids of viruses click here to down load protection i know its a fake thing that wants to mess my comp up more and it ads internet explorer icons to my desktop that says life security center and they are links to internet explorer ive ran avast scans several times and i still have the viruses also i no longer haverestore points in my system restore and i want to completely restore my computer but i lost the cd what do i do????????????????
Sounds more like spy/malware than a virus i'll leave the fix for someone with better knowledge in the meantime can't you get netscape,opera or gran paradiso = newest version of firefox to browse the web & do an online scan at symantec,if it shows nought then you definatley have spyware in which case spy term should be able to deal with it,you could also use CCLEANER in SAFE MODE to remove any unwanted start up entries,just push the TOOLS button in CCLEANER,by rights removing the startup entries of a known spyware issue will alleviate things a little for future referance download this,it's similar to restore points only better as it will restore regardless if any changes were made or not, do not install it untill your system is clean you will need to occasionally once a month remove a few backup folders to create hdd space,look for the sub folder BACKUP inside the folder ERDNT inside the WINDOWS folder in C: drive a free realtime spyware scanner it will also stop programs installing until you give the ok Use all programs shortcut WINDOWS UPDATE & manually update xp instead of using autoupdate Ensure FIREWALL is enabled before connecting to the net,there's nothing wrong with windows xp firewall as no one uses it but me so nobody bothers to write code to break it You mention you don't have a xp disc what about a recovery partition,if your comps a branded model i.e hp,dell etc it will have a recovery partition holding F8 or F10 on restart should bring your recovery options up,it may be possable to use a borrowed copy of xp to use the discs repair function ???? or just contact microsoft to see what they suggest they're usually pretty willing to help out when i've phoned them
Waymon you need glasses Tony Best bet download install hijackthis (free version) then make a new topic asking for someone to look at your hijackthis log
...Well if you boot into safe mode, the virus wont be loaded because safe mode only loads the processes that count, like explorer.exe svchos etc. And since its the virus that's not allowing him to get into system restore, then safe mode should allow him to do that because as I said before, the virus will not be loaded. Btw ScorpNZ, you should back up your opinions a little better, because making an insult isnt worth it if you dont have any proof on why you're calling someone that. Tony, if you post the HJT log here, I would be happy to look at it for you...
well assuming the topic starter is correct (QUOTE/ "also i no longer have restore points in my system restore") tells me he can get to system restore & one would have to assume they have been deleted or corrupted , then there's the problem of what points will actually be able to work without the usual "no changes choose another restore point" crap ,at the same time hoping he does'nt re-infect himself as there's no telling how long ago he was infected & what program was run to activate it if it was lying dorment so i'm not calling you names just making a smart ass
Tony you mentioned you lost your xp cd,this was posted @ today apparently you can order a replacement (Sir)Zubaz November 24, 2007 23:50:26 Reply #12 have lost all the cds and everything when i moved house recently so starting from scratch isnt an option am afraid order a replacement from Microsoft: Americas: end user media replacement form.pdf Europe, Middle East, Africa: end user media replacement form-final.doc Asia-Pacific: end user media replacement form-final.doc This article describes how to replace Microsoft software or hardware, order service packs and product upgrades, or replace product manuals. The Microsoft Supplemental Parts team is available to help customers in North America who need any of the following: • Replacements for Microsoft software or hardware • Service packs on CD • Product upgrades • Replacement product manuals Please review the KB article in its entirety ensuring you are eligible for replacing the product in question. Thank you. Also if you have lost, broken, or misplaced your original Microsoft Office or Microsoft Publisher installation CD, you can order replacement media from Microsoft @