This should be added to the rules,BE RESPECTFUL OF OTHERS

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by ireland, Aug 1, 2007.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    This is a public Forum. No swearing or use of swear words. No foul or obscene language, discrimination, flaming no insulting pictures directed at a member or verbally attacking anyone in this forum or Shout Box is allowed.
    Violation of this rule will lead you to being banned from this forum without notice.

    what do ye think?

  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    except for the fact that i've seen mods themselves cursing around the forums, i'd be all for this.

    lotta distasteful language on this forum.
  3. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Perfect ireland when can we get it added. the problem is some of the members causing problems have become to buddy buddy with some of the mods and are getting off scott free while other members are getting banned for anything they do wrong. its become to PERSONAL and it really degrading the site i don't like what i see happening as of late

    rule 6 and 14 are being broke on a constant basis and nothing really being done. so is it who you are or what? rule 6 and 14

    6. No foul language, insults, personal attacks or otherwise rude messages.
    (so they could edit this one a bit and add what you posted Ireland)

    14. If you see a post that violates any of these rules, please report it to our moderators using the "Report an offensive post" link. Do not play the role of a moderator if you are not one. There is absolutely no need to nitpick on the posts of users. Let the moderators do their work. (to many people trying to play mod when there not one)

    plus we need the option to be able to report PMs and shoutbox abuse like we can in the forums by clicking "Report an offensive post"
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    no-one is untouchable by the mods and we (honestly) don't give preferrential treatment to anyone. I've been away for a few days so am playing catchup and any grievances will be looked into.
  5. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I can go along with the clean up to an extent. I'm not against a strong adjective every once in a while. However, they shouldn't be directed at other members with the gusto of a drunken sailor. We're supposed to act like adults here, even if some of us aren't. Show a little respect for other members and the site. Shoutboxes shouldn't be any different from the rest of the forum when it comes to behavior toward other members. I wouldn't want to see the content have to bear the same scrutiny as the open forum, but how we treat others could bear much closer watch.

    We have a choice few members who think they are much superior to the rest of the membership. I'll not mention any names, but they use the shoutboxes to conduct slanderous attacks on others and use some sick language and graphics. The behavior borders on being psychotic. Most of us here know the worst culprits. They've done the same thing more than once and when not waging a major attack, they're just downright mean to the new members. I suspect those that were attacked probably don't come back. Some of the staff knows who these people are. They leave and things are quiet for a while. When they return and start participating, things start to liven up. That kind of livening up I can do without. I'm sure aabbccdd wasn't appreciative. I was the brunt of one of the attacks and I can honestly say it's not exactly pleasurable. If it takes no strong adjectives and more solidly written rules, I'll go for it. However, I think tightening up on how members treat each other would be enough for a good start, forums and shoutboxes.
  6. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    change is always a good thing, you can always teach a old dog new tricks, sounds like a good thing, does that also go for the wolves chewing? seems like that is verbally attacking some one!
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    the wolves chewing bit shouldn't fly here either its very unnecessary.

    and i notice several days have gone by and nothing has been done. last time i was banned it took less than 10 mins. after the post was made.

    so actions speak louder than words and nothing was done. looks like the site is completely indifferent to some members and what they pull and do in here.

    so tell me where I'm wrong someone?
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    aabbccdd - As far as i know ddp has spoken with said poster(s). I haven't seen any recurrance of any untoward behaviour yet. As to your own suspensions you know exactly what they were for.

    As to shoutboxes i've said it many times before, whilst they are almost as public as the forums they are not subject to any specific rules as yet.

    Bringing up things days after they've happened just adds fuel to the fire. It's this kind of endless bitching and moaning that makes me stay away from here (not just you, there are others) and contemplate staying away for good.

    These days i have better things to do than babysit pages full of people who can't get along so i only drop in for short periods. No wonder mods keep leaving, it's worse than the console forums in some of our supposedly adult forums.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2007
  9. BurningAs

    BurningAs Regular member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    nice to see you ireland. I remember the DVDXcopy days.
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Ireland looks like the thread title didn't get though to most.

    wonder if they talk to there grandparent's that way. if it was my kid and they did they would get slapped into next year
  11. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    respect is earned not deserved by a right.. as a few of the assholes in this thread should be aware...
    I think what ireland was meaning to say was "be polite to others" Again I say.. "why be polite to a tw*t? muahahahahahaha.. lots of skin from the ho again I see.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007
  12. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    It's respect alright. Respect for oneself as well as others. It shows respect to be civil when dealing with a person you disagree with. It also shows a level of maturity.

    Often the right and wrong of a situation is a matter of perspective. It's childish to start calling names when someone disagrees with you, putting xxx in the spelling changes nothing. I've seen cases where both sides were right and others where both sides were wrong and still the enmity continued. Arguing for the sake of argument, trying to gross your opponent out, lying, and being rude in general is juvenile behavior, whether committed by a child or an adult. Calling names is just as bad. It keeps the hostilities going. As for myself, I think both Janrocks and aabbccdd's sigs are udderly delightful. LOL

    As for Ireland, he's been around for the longest it seems. He obviously gained the respect of the original staff or he wouldn't have been made a chief mod. Poking fun at an elder when it's uncalled for and then calling names because it's the cool thing to do is being disrespectful. There's an element growing that has no respect for age or knowledge, not even themselves. Going around being disrespectful all the time shows nothing in the line of being intelligent, just showing antisocial behavior. Strange thing is, those showing the antisocial behavior apparently need an audience and followers.

    We have a rule against members trying act as mods. Some of us forget that rule at times. As they say, let the mods do the mods' job. As for nitpicking... only in technical threads. I think there should be a rule for sportsmanlike conduct, same as in major sports. LOL There's those who seem to think it good sport to attack those who know less or don't want to agree with them.

    I think Will Rogers said it best, "Everyone is ignorant, only in different subjects."

  13. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    Was wondering how long it was going to take for the other assho;e to turn up.
  14. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Why darlin' I saw you were already here. ;) Guess I need to pass that little attack on to the mods.
  15. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    /me thinks people that need to ask for respect on the internet need to get themselves a reality check.

    No one gives a toss who you are online. I could say I was some super-duper amazing adult living the american dream, but ireland would still call me a "back ground trouble maker" and whine, abcd would still piss and moan about how i get involved with his sh1t and pacman would still think i could care less whether something between him and deadlove on the internet was any of my business!

    I more than agree; what respect is shown online should be earned. Status means sh1t all..

    And Pacman, you're wrong, i've only just got here.

    Edit: Oh and this isn't me being a follower, as someone may say, this is me saying it as it is IMHFO.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  16. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I can respect the fact you just got here.
    I meant respect as in respecting the rights of my fellow man. Most of us show respect in that sense until someone shows they don't deserve it. Just a matter of perspective. As I told you before Ripper, I'm not going to get into an open confrontation with you and Janrocks on the forum. I was subscribed to this thread well before you and Janrocks (aka deadlove) decided to show up and start name calling. I have the right to express my point of view, and I agree with Ireland. More respect should be shown on the forums. It doesn't take a lot to lose it, but at least show a bit up front.
  17. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    there we go.. Ripper has my respect, for his knowledge and general modesty (regardless of the goat incident). Still doesn't mean he can't be an bumhole sometimes.. That's his right as somebody who has skillz, and I wouldn't take that away for all the oil in iraq... nah. it's the other lying asshoes I'm gunning for.. the pair who like to edit posts when they are caught bullying and being holier than thou in some futile attempt to seem like the harmed party.. up yours asshoes.. contempt can also be earned.
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    snippet from a comment of mine from up above.

    i'm blumming well sick of the nonsense now, 2 suspensions handed out. I'm trying to watch a movie before winding down for the night as i'm up for work at 6am. It's just the internet people, however as per the thread title - "BE RESPECTFUL OF OTHERS". Why does this childish crap have to drag on for months on end. No-one forces any of us to post. And on that note, maybe now i can go back to my movie...
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  19. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Edit, Creaky posted a warning. the title of the thread says it all, respect for other members and staff...
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  20. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Sounds good to me. The "No foul language" (which has been pointed out) has been part of the rules since I can remember. However, it seems to be a little more "let go" then it has in the past.

    Also (and probably the reason for it) I wonder if people think the "Report offensive post" button really doesn't work. :p

    Anyway, I am all for adding something like "Be respectful to others" to the rules.

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