Thread from Brobear and Newbie in Audio Forum

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ricsalt, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. ricsalt

    ricsalt Member

    May 3, 2004
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    After reading brobear and a newbie discuss burn problems, I fear the worst on my rig.

    I have a Dell 4600C and just hooked up the new Sony external dual layer drive. I loaded the bundled Nero software (yikes) but InCd would not load because 'Veritas-drive letter access' was detected.

    The Dell comes with Sonic (I believe this is the source of the DLA conflict) and Dell Media Center.

    I have Shrink and Decrypter. To avoid issues with conflicting software and software writing pakets, should I delete Nero, Dell Media Center and Sonic before burning my first DVD?



    Whoa Nellie
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Packet writing software is a known problem with DVD recording. Most programs run continuously in the background and can cause problems. Note, I said can and not always will.

    [bold]I usually recommend not installing InCD. Nero functions well without it. So keep the Nero unless you find a real problem.[/bold]

    The July '04 download of Nero has some problems. One shouldn't download that update version at all. I and several others have experienced problems with the Recode. Wait until they get the problems fixed. Hopefully by August...
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    BTW, I believe I warned the other Newbie about posting in the wrong section even though I answered his question. You need to read the forum rules as to double posting. As a newbie, we will refrain from flogging on this offense. :)

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