Tired of LOW quality routers and modems...

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by ov3rk1ll, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. ov3rk1ll

    ov3rk1ll Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Seriously im thinking of buying a high grade router that is capable of handling at least 20 torrent downloads without CRASHING every minute!... Im now running a Linksys WRT54G and replaced it with a dd-wrt firmware. You can get more info about that firmware at dd-wrt.com
    I love the firmware and I though it would fix my problem with crashing when overusing the internet. This dosent only happen on the firmware, this also happened on the old Linksys firmware, and every other linksys router i had before that. The modem (Motorola SB5100) does the same thing, only sometimes, it usually happens with 15 downloads or more. I cant stand getting disconnected of the internet when browsing while downloading, even when I let it download and not touch it, it would crash, then come back up in like a min or 2... I personally think its a performance issue with these devices. Im assuming that I need to buy a better router with a fast cpu chip inside, same thing with the modem, or find something really good thats 2 in one, not the crappy 2wire router/modems, i hate those. Im using cable anyways so 2wire wont work.

    Can anyone suggest any good routers/modems or router or modems (seperate) for sale that can handle big traffic?

    I was also wondering If theres a modem out there that can use the ethernet port and the usb port to connect to the internet the same time, I was thinking to use the modem to connect via usb for maximum performance and use the ethernet for my wireless router for the laptops and other devices....
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Realistically, torrents will screw up any modem/router, they're just not designed for it. I've had good results with my Linksys AM200 modem and WRT54GL router (Tomato firmware) but in all honesty, you're better off torrenting off-site with a rented seedbox and using FTP to grab the files. It's expensive, but if you want good internet and be able to torrent, it's the way to go.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    also possibility you are being throtteled by your isp. have found out a few months ago can use motorola 5100 modem usb port to tower & ethernet to wireless router for wireless laptop & tower to browse net at same time.
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That's very true, but ISP throttling doesn't crash routers.
  5. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    My 3com routers are completely unaffected by torrents. Linksys/Cisco make terrible products, and those who own them think that there are no alternatives, but there are! A good router will never crash/reset/lag just because you are using a lot of simultanious connections.

    The 3com officeconnect series is a very affordable high-end router that should serve you well for years to come.
  6. ov3rk1ll

    ov3rk1ll Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Thats what I like to hear, a router that can handle anything in its path and not fail on me from simple tasks.

    I've been searching online and i have stumbled across these routers...




    By reading all the reviews, it seems like the Cisco 815 is a decent router, which you cant find in stores...

    I also have seen gaming routers, arent these routers any faster? (fast cpu)
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Correction: Linksys make some terrible products.
    No router is unaffected by torrents due to the way they work, so I wouldn't go saying that. So far however, other than the mandatory ping increase, no stability issues have ever resulted from my Linksys stuff.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I have a few Linksys routers, see my sig. What version of WRT54G do you have ?, it sounds like you have a model with low memory..

    You don't need to buy a 'high grade' router, maybe you just need to configure DD-WRT properly :) - i've been using DD-WRT for a couple years and all my routers are 100% stable for months at a time, they're only ever rebooted if i make changes such as adding new machines to the config or whatever.
    Again, see my sig. I torrent and whichever router i use for torrenting (currently the WRT54GS v6) is 100% stable. The only trouble i've ever had with a Linksys in the few years i've used them is the v5 of the WRT54G series (the v5 is widely hated however mine has always been as stable as the other models) and the v5 if not configured correctly can indeed struggle with torrents. However stability is something that DD-WRT stands for. It doesn't crash unless there's a hardware problem, or maybe it hasn't been configured correctly.

    (My WRT54GS even has dual 'BSSIDs' ie a primary physical interface (WPA2/AES) and a virtual secondary interface (WEP), the secondary interface is completely isolated from the internal network and is used for Nintendo DS use)

    They are not all terrible products at all, far from it. I certainly don't think that there aren't other alternatives so you're wrong there as well :)

    edit- that first Amazon link is a $300+ router, couldn't believe my eyes, but hey, it's not my money.
    My honest opinion is that you should scour the DD-WRT forums (i hang out there also, or maybe even i can help) for any tweaks that you need to make, but as i say, it sounds like a failing router to me, if so all that would be required is a cheap $30 replacement (for example), saving a massive and unnecessary $290 or whatever. Plus the point of DD-WRT is that it transforms a cheap and cheerful consumer router into the equivalent of a 'high grade' router. If configured correctly and hardware issues notwithstanding of course..
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
  9. ecknight

    ecknight Regular member

    May 19, 2005
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    my linksys was doing the same things as you are describing took it apart and couldnt believe it not a heatsink one in the whole rig added a heatsink to every chip now runs like a champ and never crashes i have a version 1 i think so mine has like 4 times as much memory as newer models though

    i have the speedboost model
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    You shouldn't have to use a heatsink in wireless 'G' Linksys routers of old as they don't run hot (not any of the models i have or know about anyways), unless you crack up the TX power that is. Either way though, yes, a heatsink certainly wouldn't do any harm.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  11. ecknight

    ecknight Regular member

    May 19, 2005
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    i just knew that when i put my hand on top of the plastic case it was warm to the touch so i added a fan and heatsinks

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