I am having a problem encoding one of my files that is currently a Xvid AVI file in TMPGE. I used an audio decompressor on 10 other files that were Xvid encoded by the same person. Then I converted them to MPEG-2. But this one particular file seems to be giving me a problem. I decompressed audio them set it up like I did the rest of the files, but i keep getting a "can not read video" message. Any help with the matter would be appreciated. thanks C
Are you sure the Error message you are getting isn"t a "Can Not Open Or Unsupported" error message??? If this is the Error message you are Getting then you should be able to get the Files to encode if you go into "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to "VFAPI Plugins" and Raise the Priority of the "Direct show Multi-Media file Reader" to "2" and Lower everything else to "0"... Now when you Load in the File Tmpgenc should be able to read it.... Good Luck
I am absolutely certain that is the rror message I was gettting. It's weird because the video is fine during playing back of the original file in Media Player.