TMPGenc audio sync problem and letterbox question

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by CooncEwin, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. CooncEwin

    CooncEwin Guest

    I'm using TMPGenc plus 2.5 to encode and ULead DVD Workshop 2 to burn DVDs.

    I have a series of AVIs of a tv show from Britain (so I'm assuming that they are in PAL format). I use TMPGenc to encode them (at the Video-CD NTSC quality level to save space on the disc). I'm getting a progressiv audio synch issue where by the end of the show I am up to almost 2 seconds out of synch. I encoded and burned 2 episodews with ulead dvdworkshop (which took forever to encode) and those had no synch issues.

    I've done the same process with a different show (also originally broadcast in Britain) and have no synch issues (maybe a little off, but nothing progressive).

    I've seen mentions in the forums of other programs to multiplex and strip and reencode and such but that's all more than I currently know about. Any help/suggestions/etc would be greatly appreciated.

    As for letterboxing, I have some AVI files that are in letterbox that I'd like to convert to mpg and keep the letterbox format, but I'm not sure how to do that either.

  2. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Tmpgenc is poor at doing audio encoding.
    Extract the audio to .wav in virtualdub first, then use that .wav as the audio source in tmpgenc. Might help.

    Different show, different encoding variables. You cannot ever compare two different shows, even from the same site.

    The process is not difficult, and there are probably thousands of posts here (and elsewhere) on how to do it, and maintain sync.

    Letterboxing in tmpgenc plus is easy.
    Load your movie, select the outptut type you want (NTSC or PAL) and on the Advanced screen, select 1:1 VGA as intput size, then select "keep aspect ratio 2".
  3. CooncEwin

    CooncEwin Guest

    I just downloaded and installed VirtualDub to give that a try. When I try to open a file it tells me that I need the DX50 codec. According to GSpot, I've got it installed. On another file it tells me that I need the XVID codec, yet again GSpot says that it is installed.

    Any advice?

    I've done some more searching here and I'm going to follow the advice in this: thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2005
  4. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Good idea.

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