I had made DVD files from a series of AVIs using VSO to later process them through DVD author (tmpgenc) for a menu of episode selections. THe menu came out Ok, but when I played the DVD on TVset it was stretched beyond the borders of the screen. I remember NERO vision had lines marked on the display when one created a menu , I guess to simulate this "cutoff", but even with those lines, it would be time taking to edit every picture to fit the background the way it is supposed to (unless one does not care if borders on it will be cut off) ANyway, what I want to know is how to a go about this problem..... best solution. PS. Is there really no option to add sound to TMPGencs DVD AUthor menu? Thanks
There is a way to get sound in your menus in dvd authuor .all you have to do is search azurues & download the ac-3 TMPGEnc plugin.It contains a crack along with it.After installing the AC-3 plug-in, simply replace your existing AudioAC3.tsp file in the "plugins" folder with the provided one(just copy & paste to over-write one with the other).once you have that done you can then add sound to your menus.