IS it worth choosing Highest quality option which takes like 6 hours on my comp Or should i just choose the ESTIMATE one (fast)? is there any big difference?
How good is the source? If it's DV-AVI, then use Highest qualtiy. If it's downloaded xvid (352x240 or similar small aspect), then Estimate (fast) will be acceptable.
From my experience there is no Quality Differance between "High Quality" and "Highest Quality" accept that "Highest Quality" takes Twice as Long..... Cheers
Hey minion, how ya been? I'm an absolute quality freak myself, but i forget that in a way im lucky, i have a machien just dedicated to encoding so the time doesn't bother me at all, however i seem to forget that a lot of ppl use the same computer for encoding as they do for..... well.... everything else so im always giving options that take longest time