OK the problem is that after avi is encoded to mpg2 so it could go to a dvd, the audio starts skiping towards the end of the movie, its happen many time before. Like if a cd was scratched. Um if anyone has ever encountered this ? if so and you have fixed this problem, how did you fix it?
I know that TMPGEnc Plus has a problem with audio but I don't if this will help you, I had no audio. Possible fixes are to raise the Directshow priority. Options>environmental settings>VFAPI plug-in and raise Directshow Multimedia File Reader to 2 by right clicking on it. A second possible fix is to convert the audio to wav (48000 Khz for SVCD or DVD, 44,100 Khz for VCD)in either Virtualdub (free) or Goldwave (shareware). There are guides on this for each at VideoHelp.
It is allways best when useing Tmpgenc to Decompress the audio in your AVI file before you encode the AVI file.... If you PM Me with your e-mail address I can send you a Small toll that will decompress the audio in your AVI file for you.... Cheers