wen i try to encode a file it says that it is unsupported but the file is mpeg. so y will it not let me encode it. also i've also used main concept encoder.
it won't even start to let me encode it. my problem is where u select the file to encode, wen i select the file it cums with the unsupported file message
We are in need of of a moderator that knows what this may be but it sounds to me like its a software problem that set in place to stop us from encoding...is there a moderator that can help us with this??
I'm having exactly the same problem with Tmpgenc, Mainconcept can open the same file but after encoding the movie doesn't have any sound. That's why I'm trying to use Tmpgenc but no joy. Any help would be most appreciated.
Hey guys, Found the fix courtesy of Whassup. Go to: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/79114 Just set it to highest priority, It worked as soon as I did it.