What is the difference between tmpgenc xpress and tmpgenc plus. Which is more powerful and which is best??
The main difference is that you need to pay TMPGenc Xpress, and Plus works 'free' only to make MPEG-1 (VCD) files. TMPGenc Xpress has beautiful plugins (AC3 reader), but I didn't see expecial features in terms of quality or speed... What is best? I think Plus. It has a free version which you can use to evaluate it, it's more simple, once you learned some tricks (like uncompressing the AC3 stream of an AVI with an external program - BeSweet or HeadAC3he - if it has AC3 audio, to WAV and load it as 'audio input' with Plus).
I prefer TMPGEnc Plus 2.5 XPress 3.0 is too complicated to understand to use. Plus 2.5 is easier to use and works fine.