Hi everyone...I'm new to the board and hoping to get some advice. I would like to transfer some VHS (home movies) to DVD and wanted to know if you would buy a DVD recorder OR a software program such as InstantDVD from ADSTECH to use on pc's dvd-recorder? Thanks for your time!!
If you're interested in recording Tv programs also .. get the set top recorder .. if all you want to do is transfer VHS, get a video capture card ... something like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815100120
catfreak what is the best and cheap dvd recorder out there? can you tell me where i can get a cheap dvd recorder with great quality in recording and playing original dvd or backup dvd? pls help me and thank you.
Panasonic es20 is around 125 to 150 dollars now. Good consumer reviews. Check cnet, circuitcity, even walmart. Mine plays anything. Sorry for buttin in. Just trying to pass the word.