Hi, I am trying to backup all my DVD's. I am using DVD shrink but it seems to take so long (1hr 30min +) its driving me crazy. Am i doin something wrong? is there a faster program i should use?
Dean, You probably have a slow dvd burner thats most like reason and are the dvd's your copying the original or not cause if there not thers no point of yousing dvd shrink use dvd decrypter i reckon thats tones quicker!
Dean your drives are probably in PIO mode where as they need to in in DMA mode you can fix that in device manager or use this guide http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/FAQ.htm clonedvd 2 and anydvd are the best programs going if you want to try them ,free 21 day trial also http://www.slysoft.com/en/ and a guide to use them http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/ remember to use good blank media (Taiyo Yuden and or Verbatim) burn on a clean machine without other programs running in the background with the latest firmware on your drive