tools for back ups

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by toropi1, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. toropi1

    toropi1 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Ive been reading these threads and i am wondering now if i have the right tools to make back ups of my games. I have clone cd and anydvd, are there any others that i may need to get started, ive been seeing Quix,is this something i need. ive got a mod-chip on the way and have a cable to connect my pc and x-box. if any one knows that i will need more it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    i would use qwix because you can transfer files back and forth a lot easier and it can make the iso for you
  3. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Ok. AnyDVD is for movies and will not be needed for Xbox
    game back ups, neither will clone CD as the games are not
    CD's but DVD's

    Qwix is ok but i rarely use it.
    I prefer Craxtion4 for what i do as it has always worked well.
    you can get a lot of good programs there.
    with Craxtion you will need to go to the Microsoft website and download and install the latest version (2.0) of .Net Framework

    you will also need a good FTP program like FlashFXP, Cute FTP or WS_FTP Pro for example so that you can transfer files back and forth between the PC and Xbox

    Also some good burning software like IMGburn (free), DVD Decrypter (free) or Alcohol 120%

    other than that there are a lot of great things a modded Xbox can do but it would take days to explain it all.
    Once you have the modchip in there are 2 things i would do right away.
    1. buy a larger compatible hard drive and slap that in. the stock 8GB drive is almost useless.
    2. Go find a copy of Slayer 2.7 auto installer. Burn it to DVD and use that to format and set up the Xbox hard drive. It will install tons of great things for you in a few easy steps.

    and here are some sites with tutorials on backing up games, FTP and other things.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  4. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    1. you don't need the larger drive to play backups so that isn't a necessity, it is nice to have but not necessary.

    2. that would depend on what chip he has 'on the way', if it's an Xecuter X3ce, X3 Config Live has everything he'll ever need for setting up any harddrive as well as FTPing applications/dashboards.

    for the original question, I'd recommend using DVD2XBOX for ripping the game to the harddrive or to an ISO for burning, then use ImgBurn to burn it.

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2006

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