Toshiba DVR with hard drive

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by randy9660, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. randy9660

    randy9660 Guest

    I have 3 different models, that I used to be able to record from the pay channels then burn to dvd. now the pays have some kind of encoding that prevents burning to dvd. copy once icon is now next to anything from the pays. I can move the recordings to dvd-ram dics but not back to hard drive. any way around encoding? filters or if i can get them on my pc can i then burn to dvd? i tried copying the ram dics but it didn't work. only some of dic copied. any help?
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    TV Broadcasters Have just added "RF" Flags to there TV Transmitions which will prevent you from copying Recorded Content then thing is that your DVR has to be a newer model as the older Models do not have the RF Detection in them so they can not detect the RF Flag so if you had an Older model DVR you should still be able to use it to Copy your Recorded Tv Shows.....

    Good luck
  3. randy9660

    randy9660 Guest

    well i guess i have newer ones, the oldest is 3 years old and as far as I now one of the first with a hard drive. so i am screwed as far as burning stuff from the pay channels? network tv is still ok so far. anyway around this?
  4. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well I would Figure that your 3 year old one wouldn"t have RF detection because it wasn"t implememted untill this year...

    Also supposedly the RF Flags aren"t in every Single program, only the ones that the Industry don"t want poeple recording.....

    Also there Might be some sort of Work arround for this problem, I was Thinking that if instead of Transfering the Files off of the DVR to your PC you could Try Hooking the DVR up to a Capture card and Capture the Video to your PC because I don"t think capture cards detect RF Flags because RF flags are a Digital Copy protection and captureing video is an analogue Process.....

    Doing it this way would take Longer and The Quality would somewhat be less that the other method but it is the only thing I can think of right now....

    Good Luck

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