Toshiba Satllite Laptop Broken... Help

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Chee5e, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Chee5e

    Chee5e Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    Hello all, I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop and it won't boot to windows, it starts to load and then it just restarts to the screen to start normally or with safemode or last known good. I try last known good and blue screen flashes with a white letter message for like 1 split millisecond. I think it might need a new hard drive but I'm not sure. Can someone help me with getting this thing running.

    Help will be much appreciated.
  2. ERICKO200

    ERICKO200 Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    hello.. its really hard to help you with bluescreen issues over a forum due to the fact that bluescreens are often associated with bad harware, and we cant test it.

    but here goes my attempt.
    laptop bluescreens are usueally caused by 2 main issues
    Bad Mem or bad hdd (i wont go into mobo yet but its a possiblity)
    the first thing you can do is remove the memory and switch it around from bank to bank and checking if that makes a difference, sometimes just removing it and puting it back in fixes some issues.

    another thing u can try is remooving the hdd and attempting to boot to a CD based operating system environment. if it boots then its either ur HDD or your operating system.

    if you have a windows CD, (with the hdd inside the laptop) pop the win cd in and perform an operating system overlay.

    i hope all this info has helped you and if you have any questions about anything i wrote feel free to ask.

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