I bought a 26" toshiba widescreen HDTV a month or so ago and i cannot seem to get the correct settings on it with the widescreen mode. Just about every single movie i've put into my PS2(in 4:3 and 16:9 mode), I still have the black bars on the screen... I know some movies are filmed in a wider angle than 16:9 but i know that 200 of the movies I own are'nt filmed in these higher ratios. Ive tried many different combo's to get rid of the bars but nothing seems to be working. Does it have anything to do with me using a PS2 and thats throwing off the ratio?
I don't know the PS2s abilities but a regular DVD player has to be configured to output a 16:9 signal first. Then the tv has to be set to "fill screen" or "vertical expand." The DVDs must also be "Anamorphic" meaning that the video stream can be altered while maintaining proper aspect ratio. Ced