Total noob. Dont make fun. Need help.

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Tnonsense, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. Tnonsense

    Tnonsense Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    OK this is going to look silly to the tech savvy...

    I just selected a video output from my dvd player that my tv cant support. Now, all I get is snow and cant see the menu to reselect the proper setting. I have browsed many forums relating specifically to my unit (philips 642) and I cant decipher a damn thing. Anyone know if these machines have a standard reset feature?

    Any help is appreciated.
  2. Tnonsense

    Tnonsense Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    admin: sorry, I guess this post is better suited for the thread devoted to the player.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    HiTnonsense! No one will make fun of you here. There are a lot of tech savvy folks here who love to help and are damned good at it. You can learn a lot here. I don't claim to be all that tech savvy but if I can't help then you can bet someone will jump in who can.
    1. What kind of TV are you connected to?
    2. What kind of cable from the video out to the video in on the TV?
    3. Did you check to see if the video connection cable is firmly in place at both ends?
    4. Did you check with a second cable to see if there is something wrong with the first?
    5. Is your TV on the right channel or does you TV have a menue where you assign the video input to a particular channel?

  4. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    yeah, i just got a PM from gerry about this one..

    sounds like its not connected right to me.

    simple terms, i am sure its a minor problem, as all tv's need an input to be output (viewing)

    from the dvd player, video out to tv, video input.
    make sure channel 3 or 4 is selected, unless you have component, then (if tv supports it) component video.

    but, yes, what equipment do you have?
    are you running it through a stereo receiver?
  5. Tnonsense

    Tnonsense Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    Hey Gerry, thanks for responding.

    I had no problem viewing dvds, but I got snow when adjusting the video output. this leads me to believe that its not the equipment that Im using, but rather the setting I switched to that now prevents me from seeing the signal.

    In case I'm overlooking anything Ill answer your questions:

    1) Im connected to a faily old citizen tv with a co-axial input.

    2) I have a single RCA out of my dvd player into a coax/rca adpter, and then into my tv.

    3) The video connection is indeed firm. the problem arose while using my remote.

    4) all cables seem to be in place

    5) my tv, dvd player, and adapter are all set to the same channel (3)


    Im guesing I simply need to reset the dvd player, but I might be way off.

    Thanks again.

  6. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    try this, unplug it and leave it sit overnight, some will totally reset in 12-24 hours..

    just a quick brain storm
  7. Tnonsense

    Tnonsense Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    Hey guys, thanks for the advice...problem solved!

    Apparently, I fudged with the prog scan feature and all I had to do to reset it was open the tray and press '1' on my remote.

    But thanks again, you guys rock!
  8. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    glad you got it fixed..

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