total noob here - please dont flame!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by pspwad, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. pspwad

    pspwad Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    ive already hacked and done just about everything you can with a psp. so. i have my xbox. ive played some modded halo 2 games and i thought i'd want to get into it myself. So far after reading many tutorials, i know i need:

    [x] action replay
    [x] xbox
    [x] a connection to a network

    thats a ll i know basically, lol. umm.. my friend tells me i mod the xbox with the action replay using a hacked gamesave (which i think is linux??). then after its modded, i put halo 2 on the hard drive. then i hook it up to a network, after that, i 'ftp' into the xbox, put the maps on and bam, i have modded halo 2 maps.

    umm. that really doesnt help me at all. if someone has msn (, then could they please help? or post on here.. whichever is easiest. But i would really like to get into modding games. I'm a quick learner! I sware!! much help would be appreciated!! Thank you.
  2. pspwad

    pspwad Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    oops my bed fellas. i didnt see the stickied halo 2 modding tut. ill read that and post back if i have any questions, for now you can like delete this thread or something

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