I had an issue with the top screen on my DS. I ordered up a replacement from ebay and fitted it. After putting it back together I discovered that neither of the screens will respond to touching them. I have taken it back apart but I cannot see anything wrong. Any ideas?
???? The only screen that is touch sensitive is the bottom screen! Do both screens show what they should. If it is just the touch screen then it is a small connector to the left of the game slot - beware that it is very small and if you damage it repair is very difficult
As you probably guessed, I am not the normal user of the DS! It is my Nephews. I hadn't realised that only the bottom screen should be touch sensitive. I have checked the smaller ribbon cable connection beside the reader. It seems to be in fine. I pulled the clasp back again and re-seated the connection to make doubly sure it had a good connection however it still wont respond to touch. Both screens display a picture and the console seems to work as intended other than the touch issue. Perhaps I am going to have to replace the bottom screen next.
The touchscreen is seperate to the bottom screen, (it sticks on top) if the bottom screen is working fine then you just need to change the touchscreen (a lot cheaper than the screen)
Thanks for pointing that out. I have ordered a replacement touch screen so hopefully that will sort it out. Cheers Aidan
have you gone into settings an tried calibrating it if you cannot navigate with stylus use d-pad and A button, this is needed after touch screen or battery replacement.
The replacement touch screeen arrived this morning. Just fitted it and all is working OK! Thanks for all the advice Cheers Aidan