I don´t know whats going on... When I try to Transcode a .mpg video either in NeroVision 3 or VSO ConvertXtoDVD it starts ok, but then it crashes my computer... I can´t even Ctrl+Alt+Del it ! It´s got to be restarted in the Reset button... The only program I could make my DVD was PowerProducer Gold wich comes with the LG DVD Recorder... but this program is awful.. I used to use Nero before !!! Bought memory (1GB), bought HD(120GB) and it´s always the same problem !!! Please help me someone !
I dont know what processor you have, but assuming you have run these tasks before, and the 120Gig HDD isn't more than 70% full then I can only imagine that you have a shit load of crap, spyware and other stuff you dont realsie running in the background. If the PC specs are sufficient, last resort is a nice new fresh install of windows I reckon. So I can't advise more than that.
Thanx, but I do have programs such as Ad-Aware and it´s clean of spyware and junk as you said... The computer is an Athlon 1.8Ghz and as it is a new HD I had to install all Windows back on, so it´s fresh new ! I managed to encode it in the VSO ConvertXtoDVD and it worked, but still isn´t like NeroVision where I could make my own menu and stuff... Well I´m beginning to think it has something to do with hardware, but dont know wich component is f***ing up... Tanks anyway.