transcoding problems

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by jasm00re, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. jasm00re

    jasm00re Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Hey guys. I'm very much a newbie to all this. I have Nero 7, with it's current updates for everything. I've already made sure my firmware is current, but when I try to make a dvd, Nero Vision 4 gets stuck on "Preparing to transcode"

    I've let it run overnight thinking that it might just be slow, but 9 hours later, it still just shows that. It's like the program locks up, but not the computer. I have to shut down Nero every time, so I don't have a log file.

    Now, if I try to make a data disc, it works just fine. So that tells me it shouldn't be a burner problem.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot!!!

    PS: If you need some kind of log file, just tell me what to do and I'll get it for you.
  2. rickster9

    rickster9 Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I have seen this happen when the mpeg that you are trying to encode has errors in it. Nero tends to freeze up and never recover. Check the apps section here to find virtualdub and see if an error is discoverd when the file is loaded. The same app can be used to fix some errors.

    I could also be a conflict with some of the codecs you have installed on your system. But I would start with the above first.
  3. jasm00re

    jasm00re Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I was thinking that there might be a problem with the files, but I can view them on their own, and it's with multiple files. It's not just 1 set of files.

    Now you may have a point with the codecs!!!! How do I delete all my codecs and start fresh? I'm sure I've got so many versions stacked on top of each other.


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