Transfer final size

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by sadbad, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. sadbad

    sadbad Guest

    Can anyone please tell me what is the size of a 60 min. video in MegaBytes or GB after the captured video is transfered onto the system? I have 30 GB left on the PC.

    Thank You.
  2. Oopsla

    Oopsla Guest

    It all depends what your saving it as and what compression setting/algorithm you are using. What size are you capturing it at? If you are using .wmv file it could be less then a gig. If avi it could be as high as 30 gigs. This is one of those things you gotta play around with.
  3. sadbad

    sadbad Guest

    Thank You.

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