Hi Everyone, I keep having this problem on a daily basis where my Primary IDE Channel transfer mode keeps switching from Ultra DMA Mode 6 to PIO Mode, and when it is in PIO mode it slows down the computer overall, anyone knows what could be causing this problem?
Hi Haomaru, From what I've read here and there, XP SP2 will switch to PIO automatically when it encounters a bad block on a CD/DVD. This is to ensure that the system still runs efficiently. Maybe you're trying to read a bad disk? I have had problems like this with a DVD Burner and had to re-flash it.. Post the question to the guys on DVD±R for advanced users -> http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/35 2OG
If it gets a Malware infection, bring it back here and I’ll give you a fix for it… If Pee Pee comes out of it, take it to a urologist….. ; )
This is a forum dedicated to Windows - Virus and spyware problems If you believe you have a virus or spyware problem then, post a HijackThis Log and someone can help you. Your problem does not appear to be virus/spyware related. Forum Rule No. 1 1. Before starting a new thread, use SEARCH first (located on top of the page..) to see if your question has been answered before! Or, find a forum dedicated to hardware or windows system problems and post there.. P.S. Sorry if you couldn’t understand my analogy… but you don’t go to a foot doctor with a tooth ache.
Hi Haomaru There simply are many problems which will cause DMA to switch to PIO, such as bad cables, BIOS setups, and such. Google "dma mode keeps switching to pio" if you want, and see what others have done in attempts to solve their problems. Another thing I saw was that Daemon tools could cause such a problem. You wouldn't happen to have that installed on your computer, would you? Best Regards