I can format my 128Mb Lexar Jumpdrive Secure in my XBOX just fine, it works perfectly as a memory card. However, my PC dosent assigned a letter to it, it's almost invisible, except that I can still see it when I launch "Add Hardware" claiming that it works properly. I cant access this drive to place the mech installer images on it. Online this memory stick has been proven to work with the mod. Is there any way for me to access this flash drive, or is there an alternate way of getting the images onto my xbox? Thanks in advance guys.
I have a way for windows to read that memory stick. But I don't know which mod you are following. Put a link of that mod here. So I can help you more.
http://www.productwiki.com/microsof..._xbox_to_xbox_media_center_in_30_minutes.html That one, to install XBOX Media Center. Or, maybe another easier way of getting XBMC on my XBOX. The barrier i'm facing is getting the files to the XBOX.
Oh yea, I didn't use the Action Replay USB Memory Converter, instead I made my own USB Adapter using this tutorial http://mesh.typepad.com/blog/2005/01/creating_a_usb_.html The Lexar Secure memory stick works great as an XBOX memory card, but is pretty much unrecognized by my PC.
wtf This is my first time to see this hella great modding. I just wonder how you format the memory stick. Try to download and install the xplorer360 from here http://downloads.xbox-tribe.com/index.php?act=category&id=88 Plug the memory stick to USB port on PC. Look in system tray, make sure it recognizes the memory stick as drive. Open up the xplorer360 and try to look for memory stick. It should read it. Let me know.
ok, I tried your program, but it still dosent show up, I guess this memory stick is no good for FATX PC transfering. Dosen't matter, I did a little digging and my PSP works perfectly through my memory stick mod(I had no Idea). I put 3 different Mech Game save files on my XBOX HD: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xbox-linux/MechInstaller-1.0-FATX-Images.zip?download. However this other guide im following: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Software_Method_HOWTO#Creating_a_MechInstaller_Xbox_Memory_Unit , tells me to first run the "Emergency Linux" save file, and use a telnet connection to back up my Xbox Hard Disk Key. WTF are they talking about. Is there an alternate way of getting Linux and XBMC on my XBOX safely without using Action Replay? Thanks for your resposes.
I could just hit the "Install Linux" save file, but I don't want to be too hasty to destroy my XBOX, especially since I didn't back up anything.
Hmm I see now. This is call softmod. And there are a lot of different ways to softmod your xbox. I actually have not done this mod before. Make sure you have ms dash version 4920 like it said "A Dashboard version of 4920 or below is required" With this mod you can back up the whole hdd before softmod. But it is little confusing. The FatX is Unix format. That is why xbox can read the linux file. Since I dont know about this mod, I dont have any idea. Anyway, here is an easy softmod. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/311710
About that tutorial, I cant seem to make Action replay detect my memory stick or PSP. Are there drivers online that I can use?
Why do people insist on trying the hardest and most risky things as a first attempt...J_coLLons who wrote this one classes it as higher intermediate skill level (experienced modders only)Not to be attempted without a chip and a backup plan if it all goes wrong..It is a beta and has a high risk of corrupting the eeprom due to some bugs that haven't been worked out yet..<pessimism>.Next we'll be trying to get back from error 6 or 16..</pessimism> He just mailed me and said "work was discontinued late last year as there are better and easier ways of doing it anyway..with the 360 release it's a pointless effort"... I just tried to link him up but he's not interested "discontinued as only partially successful"..