So heres my situation: My xbox 360 recently broke for some stupid reason and its off being my kind friend decided to lend me his hacked original xbox, which has an xbl account which is banned from matchmaking on halo2 which is the only game i want to play. My other good friend had an account on his 360, which he transferred onto my pc, using a datel transfer kit. Now what i want to do is to ftp that account onto the hacked original xbox. But i havent got a clue what i'm doing. I've ftp'd onto an xbox before, but i just dont know where to ftp the account to...or if it will even work! Could someone help me out here!? Any help muchly appreciated
you can do an account recovery, fill in all the info that was used to make the account. or if your gamertag is linked with windows live messenger, all you need is that id and password in the account recovery
i cant recover the gamertag because the credit card he used to make the account expired, so he then cut the card up and threw it away and you also cannot recover a gamertag using only the email and password on an original xbox
ok well if you have a memory card then you can just ftp it to that. i think the memory card is drive on the xbox is drive I...
go to and link your gamertag to your email address and then you can recover it using the email address and pass option, its what i did