Hello!!! I have never transferred home video (or any type of video)to dvd before. Is there any freeware that I can use for my computer that contains fairly simple directions? Thanks ahead of time for anyones help!!! Here are the specs for my Computer and camera: CAMERA: Hitachi 8mm video camera approx. 10 years old. COMPUTER: Compaq Computer, Model 7478 Windows 98 Second Edition AMD-K6-2/533 MHZ Processor With 3D-Now! Technology 64 MB/100 MHz Shared Sync DRAM Memory (8 MB dedicated to video) 30.0 GB Ultra-DMA Hard Drive 512K Pipeline Burst Cache 56K ITU – V.90 High Speed Modem 8x DVD-Rom With MPEG 2 4x CD-RW Drive 4 Expansion Slots And 5 Drive Bays 4 USB Connectors (Two each USB Root Hub connectors) (Two each VIA Tech 3038 PCI to USB Universal Host Controller’s) Integrated 2x AGP 3D Graphics Logitech QuickCam Express Internet Video Camera
please dont post off topic. *redirect* your post to the Digital video discussion sectionigital camcorders or for your dvd conversion purposes here: dvd+r descustions!