tried loading m3ds real now my console wont work .

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by ewanjames, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. ewanjames

    ewanjames Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    as heading says ive tried putting m3ds on my sons ds lite and i think ive left the orginal card slot still in when i put sd card in the it wont come on ive charged the battery, took battery out but still no joy the console wont turn green and switch on. can anyone please a newbie who feels a right cunt with one unhappy 4 year old please some one out there help me please.
  2. susieqbbb

    susieqbbb Guest

    Yes most likely if your nintendo ds does not power on the fuse is blown and you need to send it into nintendo for repair you should have checked the files before trying to use them there are a few pieces of spyware and malware going around that if ran on your ds will brick your ds and turn it into a paper weight.

  3. ewanjames

    ewanjames Member

    Jul 1, 2008
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    i got it to power up but it only happens when i have the sd card in and orgiginal slot card 1 in.but it always says put nickname date ect.then says shut down system then when i turn it back on it just repeats itself by saying put it all back again nickname ect. when i put origanal game in and origanl slot card 1 in it wont power up just red light not its powering up just when sd card is in any clues anyone
  4. MaryD7

    MaryD7 Regular member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    try this
    remove any game cartridge and the battery.
    after few minutes, put battery back only (battery fully charged)
    turn on DS, if ask to set clock and date, do so. follow prompt to restart.
    does the DS restart without asking to set clock/date again?
    if it does then your DS is faulty.
    if it doesnt, then shut down and insert your M3 (firmware installed + games), restart. your M3 should work. (unless your M3 is faulty)
    thats all i can think off. hope that helps.

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