I'm having trouble adjusting my pot. This seems to be the only range i can get and I'm not sure which set of numbers I'm supposed to be reading. Can somebody help me out here?
adjust the dial to the side to the max setting. the dial looks like a cog weel so turn it all the way up.
What is the lowest value I can adjust the pot on my GC? It was at 300 ohms and it would not read disc. I adjusted to 160 ohms and it would play games for about 20 sec and I would get an error message saying it could not read disc. I have now adjust to 60 ohms and it is readding ok now but I don't know if this will damage something later. Is this wise?
I don't think it matters Brewgod. The reason that Nintendo have put a varable resistor in the Cube must be because each laser is slightly different when manufactered so they need to adjust it. So what I'm saying you're measuring the resistor rather than the laser strength or whatever. So your 60 might actually result in the same laser output as my 200 because the lasers may have been slightly different to start with. Not explained my theory well!